FT817COMM on OSX Mavericks

5 Minutes to FT817COMM and FT817OS on the mac.

1. Open up a terminal window, found in

Launchpad ----> Other

2. Type perl -v  to see that perl is installed. Should be version 5.12
but you will need to upgrade to at least 5.14. type this command at the prompt and wait a good 10 minutes

curl -L http://xrl.us/installperlosx | bash

3. Close your terminal and reopen it.

Type perl -v  to see that perl is installed.
It should now say 5.16

4. Type cpan choose yes to the question, and wait a few minutes for it to set up the first time

4. When its completed you will be at the cpan prompt.  Type 
install Ham:Device:FT817COMM and press enter.

5. After about 2 minutes it should finish installing.  Type exit and you are finished.

You can now download FT817OS and untar it in your home directory

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