The FLDIGI to FT817 QRP Station Video Series

This video series demonstrates how easily a QRP station can be set up with a minimum amount of hardware.  Using an FT-817, a linux laptop and a Buddipole antenna we go through step by step from the beginning all the way through to completion.

PART 1 - The CAT connection

     We start this series of videos with a freshly installed version of FLDIGI, on an Ubuntu Linux laptop having no prior configuration, as well as a Yaesu FT-817 Ham radio, along with the associated CAT cables and USB serial dongles required for the task.  All steps needed are included in the video and shows both the RIGCAT and HAMLIB scenarios with the software push-to-talk PTT being employed.  The ultimate goal of this series will be a fully running QRP station with real performance, without gimmick, without headache, and a minimum of hardware.

Linux version used is Ubuntu. Pluggable USB serial dongle uses prolific USB serial chipset. PL2303

PART 2 - Sound Configuration

The next video in the series deals with the configuration of the audio between the Yaesu FT-817 and the computer using the simplest possible configuration to achieve the task to include a Y adapter as an auto monitor to forego the need for a software monitor in pulse audio.

As shown, there is no need for expensive 3rd party hardware or complicated configurations to achieve this goal. just:

A cable that goes from the Yaesu FT 817 data jack to the computer
A Y connector
An external speaker

PART 3 - Setting up the QRP Station

Now we come to the point where it is time to set up the antenna to operate at the resonant frequency which we will be operating at.  We will be using the MFJ 259B SWR analyzer to accomplish this task. With a Buddipole vertical setup using a single counterpoise.  Once completed station information will be added to FLDIGI including spotting information.  Finally Transmit volume will be adjusted to the correct level so that operations can begin.

PART 4 - QRP transmission Testing

In this episode we set up PSK reporter to analyze a manual beacon that will be sent out by the Yaesu FT817 HF ham radio transceiver.  FLDIGI is set up so that a button can conveniently be pressed to allow this beacon to be transmitted.  VOACAP is also discussed to see what the propagation possibilities are in your particular geographical location.

Note that If your callsign is populated in FLDIGI, there is a pskreporter button in the dropdown menu in Fldigi that will take you to the website.



Part 5 - Signal analysis from the distant end

In this episode we look at some useful tools that can be used to determine the probability of a signal reaching its destination such as end to end voacap as well as listening to the transmitted signal by means of a web based SDR. Further discussion as it related to FLDIGI includes the signal to noise radio as well is the IMD , inter modulation distortion.

Voacap point to point predictions -



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